E-mail: martin.dvorak@ista.ac.at
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
- Supervisor: Vladimir Kolmogorov
- Advisor: Jasmin Blanchette
Martin Dvorak (2021). Minimum 0-Extensions of Graph Metrics (updated version of my master thesis)
Martin Dvorak and Sara Nicholson (2021). Massively Winning Configurations in the Convex Grabbing Game on the Plane (paper in CCCG 2021 — the 33rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry)
Martin Dvorak and Jasmin Blanchette (2023). Closure Properties of General Grammars — Formally Verified (paper in ITP 2023 — the 14th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving)
Martin Dvorak and Vladimir Kolmogorov (2024). Generalized Minimum 0-Extension Problem and Discrete Convexity (paper in Mathematical Programming — A Publication of the Mathematical Optimization Society)
Martin Dvorak and Vladimir Kolmogorov (2024). Duality theory in linear optimization and its extensions — Formally Verified (technical report)
Science outreach
Korespondenční seminář M&M (organizing since 2016)
Dvorak, Martin; Havelka, Jonáš. Nekonečna. (Czech). Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální. Praha, 2021(4), pp. 12–17
Doležal, Jiří X.; Dvorak, Martin. Elementární automat Rule 30, homolice vznešená a meze poznání. (Czech). Veronica: časopis ochránců přírody. Brno, 2022(1), pp. 20–22
Community service
I maintain resources about Lean 4:
- How to read math written in Lean 4
- Overview of tactics in Lean 4 for beginners and a reduced version for print
- Lean 3 to Lean 4 dictionary of tactics
I regularly contribute to Mathlib (the main Lean 4 mathematical library).
I administer Discord server Lean 4 anarchy which I created in 2023 and already has over 500 members.
I helped organize Lean 4 tutorial in 2024, Wien.